Saturday, January 2, 2010

Rejuvenate Yourself

Rejuvenate: To make young or fresh again; to restore to youth or to the appearance of youth; (also) to give new life to; to refresh, reinvigorate (OED).

Iuvenis, youth, Kinderzeit. It's a good thing. Rejuvenation, being made young again, requires recreation. So many people think recreation means wasting time. Not the case. Recreation means being made again. Sports, art, prayer, music, conversations . . . basically anything can be made into recreation if you make enough room for grace. Recreation turns a moment becomes a beginning. It makes you wonder, it makes you excited, it makes you want to live fresh.

Sometimes you just need to break out the crayons and remember what it's like to have a world of possibilities open to you.

Usually I just listen to Breathe Owl Breathe . . .
Breathe Owl Breathe

Tübingen Wörter
Wort: die Belustigung: Merryment or Amusement
Verb: staunen (staunte, gestaunt): to be amazed

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