Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Pond for Ponderings

So up until this point, I have not really been blogging . . . sadly. I've been posting short papers that I wrote and thought were fun. Dante and Yoga being two interests of mine. As I go through my Junior Year at Aquinas, my papers are only getting bigger and bigger, so I think I'll actually use my blog to blog. I'm assuming most people wouldn't want to browse through miles of me writing about ecclesiological models with comparative theological analysis through various philosophical lenses. Some might, but not everyone's as sick as me in that regard.

I watched Julie & Julia last night and I loved it. I want to cook so much right now. Somebody buy me Julia Child's French cookbook. The best thing about that movie, to me, was the simple pleasure she had in expressing her thoughts in some ordered fashion, while cooking allowed her to do the same.

I hope that this place will be a Pond for Ponderings. That's what I call my Moleskine journals. Pond is the key word. It's not an ocean for whales and sharks. It's not a stream that has no time to stop and reflect. It's a simple place, with simple fish, and simple pleasures.

The whole idea is that when you're fishing you might catch a small fish. The only problem is that if you keep doing that, you only catch the same size fish, everyday.
In my pond when I catch an fish, I toss it back. I let it swim, grow, mingle with other fish, and multiply. You can only catch bigger fish if you toss the smaller ones back.

The same thing goes for ideas. Everyone needs a place where they can catch some ideas and toss 'em back.

I hope I can come back to this and see how they've grown. I hope I can come back to this and see how I've grown. Cogito ergo sum. Think holy; be holy. Think good; be good.
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov 23:7).

Who knows what a simple thought or a simple man might grow into . . .

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