Jazz is a beautiful form of music and I am so thankful for an evening of swing between thick tomes of dead languages and monolithic theologians. Chris Botti, Bill Evans, Miles Davis, usually fit the bill, but with Tübingen rapidly approaching I thought I'd get back into the German swing of things.
Frank Sinatra was cool, Sammy Davis Jr. was schnazzy, but Roger Cicero is just plain and simple a classy gent . . . and German, which obviously makes him easier on the ears. At least to me. Give him a listen and tell me that German and big band swing music do not go together.* So ladies find some pearls and gentlemen snag a fedora, and move your feet a bit; we're about to get classy.
Frauen regier'n die Welt (Women rule the World)
Tübi Wörter
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*For some reason unknown to me, Cicero's new album is the same great jazz he usually does, but its in English. It's good jazz, but he's German. Why doesn't he sing in German? It's a beautiful language.
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